
Bachelor Thesis on "Evaluating regrets while joining a community - A Novel Community Detection in Large Networks using Game Theory."

View the Project on GitHub prateekiiest/btech_thesis

Evaluating regrets while joining a community - A Novel Community Detection in Large Networks using Game Theory.

This is done as part of my Bachelor’s thesis under Prof. Susanta Chakraborty.

Attached paper accepted at AAAI MLOR 2021.

Would I regret later joining this Community ? Using temporal neighborhood information for community retention in a game theoretic community detection framework

Table of Contents



If you want to run a demo of our code, you can follow the following steps:

Windows / Ubuntu

Via Visual Studio Code

Via Anaconda


The main code is handled by the communityDetect function defined in code. It takes the following parameters in the order given

Here nIter and Lambda can be customized w.r.t different graph datasets.

Datasets used

Stanford Graph Dataset


If you use this code for your research, please consider citing the arXiv preprint

  title={Would I regret later joining this Community? Using temporal neighborhood information for community retention in a game theoretic community detection framework},
  author={Chanda, Prateek and Chakraborty, Susanta},
  booktitle={AAAI-22 Workshop on Machine Learning for Operations Research},